Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Was the first day of the second semester. New Start! I got my new Schedule and i LOVE it. I Have a free first period so i dont come into school until 9:00 a.m unlike the rest of the school which they have to come in at 7:55 a.m =) So like i basically have like the same classes. No big changes. New art teacher which im upset about, but i know her shes cool with me, but imma miss DJ Gondulez ( did i spell that right khy? ] Everything else basically remains the same. Geometry second period, Global third, Bio fourth, latin fith, Lunch sixth, Art seventh, English eighth. Today was a weird day since we had a black history month pep rally from 3 to 4 today which was fucking POPPN. It started out with the whole school singing the national black anthem. & me and my friends was being mad silly. Then the our dance team for our school did a peice which was fucking shitty. Lol. Next some man ( i forgot his name ] Came to speak to our school. His story was heart touching. He worked for the Barack Obama campaign after growing up with a single mom on food stamps,welfare with 3 other brothers and he graduated from highschool after 3 years. Thats crazy. We had a black history slide show presentation, and when obama and his speech played you know everyone got crazy. ( YES WE DID ] Next a african dance company came out and performed and the company was run buy a fellow geometry teacher in the school and also my black history month leader. The dances was mad good and they had africans on the bongo drums and stuff it was mad cool. This one gay guy ( im guessing ) came out and was dutty wining to the bongo drum music. He was MADD! lol. Then teachers and students got a chance to go up to play the drums according to favortism. alot of people picked me and was screaming out my name but i so didnt wanna go up there. Lmao! and then my fav teacher went up there along with some freshman. The last peice was the Reggae peice which i found i to be the best and the hypest. I was kinda mad that they mainly focused on Jamaica but she did manage to shout out the Haitians ( BOOSKIE ] Trinidadians ( BULLET ] and the Bajans. Oh and how could they forget the Puerto Ricans ( everyone went crazy ] But Yeah they came out and ripped it to RDX - Dancers Anthem and Ricky Blaze - Cut them off. African dances at first and then The guy willy bounced his ass off, dutty wined again and managed to wine and then shake his ass in front the whole crowd. I fucking LOVED every minute of it. Awesome Day =)

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