Sunday, March 15, 2009

Christina Millian Clears The Rumors

But admits that she's with him for her music career. SMH.

Just woke up from finishing some work in the studio late last night to some eager phone calls as to whether or not I am Engaged…. No, I am not. Point blank, period. Pretty funny. I really don’t have a lot to say about it… I think since I announced the title of my new album “Elope” these rumors seem to be looming around lately… It’s an album title and a title track. And to me “Elope” represents taking control of my life and being an adult making my own responsible decisions. Despite anyone’s judgment…. I have not run off and Eloped either, LOL. So….that being said.. Stay focused and to anyone who thinks my life is a Publicity stunt… GROW UP. Life is short, enjoy it and stop picking on what I do.

Cause if you don’t know, I am definitely enjoying life!

Xtina Mili-BLONDE!

Did i ever mention how i absolutely hate how that blonde hair looks on her? UGH!

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